Product Highlights
Return to blogBELGARD, Product Highlights, Uncategorized - August 13, 2024
People have been crafting beautiful outdoor spaces since humans moved from hunter-gatherer groups to permanent agricultural settlements. Many of the tools for creating and maintaining those spaces have changed very little over thousands of years. With industrialization came new technology for sculpting the land and carving masonry, and electricity only made those tools more efficient.... View Article
Recent > Product Highlights
Spring is a time of rebirth, of blossoming life and new beginnings. As nature wakes up from its wintery slumber and the months warm up leading into summer, it’s time for homeowners to start imagining what kinds of potential lay dormant in their outdoor spaces. Analysis paralysis can be the first big hurdle to clear... View Article
Painting With Pavers: New Colorways for the Richmond and Crofton Markets
No two backyards are alike. Nature presents such a wide variety of colors, textures and shapes, which coalesce into any number of unique tapestries, even within the same neighborhood. With the endless potential of any outdoor space, we want to make sure you have as many options as possible to assemble the perfect hardscape for... View Article
Inspired Design for Creative Spaces
Play with shape, texture, pattern and more for ultimate form and function The air is warming up and spring is rapidly approaching. There’s no better time to renew your outdoor living spaces so you can stroll through the year in style. Whether you’re planning for the summertime oasis of your dreams or creating a cozy... View Article
New Belgard Products To Transform Your Outdoor Space in 2024
If you want to continue being a leader in any industry, you should never rest on your laurels. Past success isn’t always a guarantee of a bright future, which is why we always try to live up to our motto and constantly pave the way forward for hardscaping. 2024 is gearing up to be an... View Article
Elevate Your Outdoor Space with Belgard’s Fire Features
As the winter months roll on, the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, you may be looking out at your backyard yearning for the summertime. Once thought of as warm weather spaces, patios outfitted with a fire feature are an excellent way to keep your outdoor living going all year round. Fire features make... View Article
Four Creative Uses for Permeable Pavers
The visionary architect Buckminster Fuller once said “Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable.” Fuller understood that whether it’s a person or a building, most of what you see is connected to some deeper core residing beneath the surface. A huge proponent of environmentalism, he also understood that while design needs to... View Article
Putting Together a Dream Outdoor Space with Belgard Modular Pavers
The old saying “work smarter; not harder” applies to many facets of the hardscape industry, but none more so than Belgard’s collection of modular paving products. Choosing pavers that fit seamlessly together lets you dream up endless design options – all with fewer cuts and less time spent on installation. Now, that’s smart. Whether you... View Article
Custom Design with a Modular System: Ashlar Tandem Wall
Custom-designed hardscape features are a major trend in outdoor living right now, from kitchens and fire features to planter boxes, water features, columns, walls, built-in seating and more. And now you can get a helping hand on that high-end custom look with modular wall systems from Belgard. The latest addition to our wall systems collection... View Article
New Belgard Products for 2023
It’s a new year, and we’re rolling out new products for the 2023 Belgard catalog. Read on to find out what exciting new products are available in your area, and reach out to your sales rep for more information. Dimensions™ Series Pavers This durable paver series has been a top choice among hardscaping pros for... View Article
Product Highlight: Melville Wall
Add dimension and definition to an outdoor living design with our new Melville Wall system. The smooth texture and subtle chamfer of the block create modern, clean lines, while the matching cap completes the seamless aesthetic. These new products are a welcome addition to the Belgard collection of walls, pavers and caps. Belgard Mid-Atlantic Sales... View Article