Some craftsmen let their work speak for itself. Certain projects contain decades of experience and dedication, and that craftsmanship shines through without any need to boast or explain. For Greg Coles and the team at ALC Custom Landscapes, their hard work and expertise are on full display in the project that won them June’s HARDSCAPE HERO award and ushered them into the elite class of Belgard HARDSCAPE HEROES.

Having been in the landscaping business since 1991, nothing really surprises Greg anymore. After completing his degree in mechanical engineering, he took his hauling business and pivoted toward landscaping and maintenance work. Over the years he began incorporating more patio projects and retaining walls, and around twenty years ago he decided to focus entirely on hardscapes. “I tried to be more versatile at the beginning,” says Greg, “but I really enjoy building things and the challenge of working with pavers and walls, so over time I decided to focus entirely on hardscaping.”

As a contractor, when a homeowner describes himself as “Mr. OCD” you may begin to feel a sense of dread about the coming weeks or months of work. For Greg, this meant a collaborative project where his client brought changes that he thought improved the overall space. “The main staircase was originally only six, maybe seven feet wide, but once that was in place, the homeowner wanted to expand it. We ended up taking out one side and stretching it to ten or eleven feet wide and looking back that was right move, it really opens up the space.” Greg always aims to please, and while building this incredible tiered project complete with pool, retaining walls and kitchen, he discovered that collaborating with the homeowner’s vision meant even more amazing results.

That kind of multi-leveled design is a project that Greg always gravitates towards. “Where we live and work is very hilly, so we tend not to do a lot of flat patios,” explains Greg, “I like to incorporate a lot of retaining walls and stairs that connect different elevations to create a dynamic space. And I love the Tandem Wall system, it’s one of the main reasons I use so many Belgard products.” When it comes to designing jobs, Greg draws upon a braintrust to lay out a vision for the project. His wife is a major contributor to ALC’s success, focusing on plantlife to help balance the hardscape. “She comes with me to all my consultations,” says Greg, “she asks all the right questions and is really good at figuring out what the client wants and what their tastes are, plus she creates these beautiful hand-drawn plans that add an extra touch when we bring the design to our customer.”

After over thirty years in the industry, Greg has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and wisdom when it comes to running a successful hardscape business. “The most important thing is making sure your team is happy,” says Greg, a sense of pride in his voice, “there’s a mutual respect there and I make sure they’re paid well. In turn they care a lot about the work and they stick around for a long time.” That respect and care Greg shows for his crew shines through in the quality of their projects, and certainly stood out to us when choosing a HARDSCAPE HERO winner for June. With so much experience and expertise, it seems Greg and ALC Custom Landscapes can only refine their already incredibly honed craftsmanship, and we can’t wait to see what they create next.

Want to be a Belgard Hardscape Hero? Submit your project here or talk to your sales rep. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see more beautiful photos from Hardscape Hero winners.

The Crew:


Moises Arias
Jorge Ferrufino
Dennis Sanchez

The following Belgard products were used in this project:

Ashlar Tandem – Silex
Origins 12 – Mountain Mist
London Cobble 3 pc – Sable Blend