Everyone is driven to succeed by different factors. Some people seek recognition and prestige, while others are just happy with the paycheck that comes from a job well done. For Jeff Crandell and the team at Scapes, Inc. the accolades are just a byproduct of the desire to build unique, beautiful outdoor spaces. And the project that won them July’s HARDSCAPE HERO Award is brimming with that creative force.

Since winning the 2023 HARDSCAPE HERO of the Year Award, it seems like the sky is the limit for Scapes, Inc. “Winning the year in 2023 really just gave us that much more credibility,” says Jeff, “Belgard does a great job of promoting the contractors, and that recognition is really nice.” Last year’s win was a great example of what you can do with porcelain pavers, a product Jeff loves using because once it’s in the ground, “it’s done.” Work has been steady since his last award, and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

This year’s win has a far different feel from the project that won him last year’s award. Where the first project showed off Quarziti 2.0 with a sprawling pool deck, this latest installation features a tighter footprint with just as much versatility in the space. “We did a bit of everything on this project,” recalls Jeff, “we wanted to create a kind of indoor feel in an outdoor space. There’s a seating lounge area with a television, a kitchen and dining area under the pavilion, then the more open uncovered patio surrounded by retaining walls.” Jeff pulled from a wide array of Belgard products for space, from Dimensions Mountain Mist for the open areas, to Noon porcelain pavers for the lounging area and kitchen. The contrast between the stone look of the Dimensions and the wood appearance of the Noon separates the “inside” space of the pavilion from the open uncovered space of the back patio. With heaters installed in the ceiling and recessed lights in the wall system, this outdoor oasis is designed to be enjoyed regardless of time or season. 

Because the grade of the yard drops off significantly, there wasn’t much usable space when Jeff first arrived on site. “We used the Cast Stone Wall to deal with the steep hill in the back,” explains Jeff, “and used it to make the custom-built fireplace and kitchen island. It’s just such a versatile product and really ties all these separate spaces together, makes them feel cohesive you know?”

When designing a project, Jeff wants to understand how the homeowners live and how they intend to use the space. “Instead of going in and saying, ‘This is what I would do in my backyard’ I prefer asking a lot of questions: ‘What do you like doing in your outdoor space? What kind of furniture are you envisioning? Do you like sitting outside to drink your morning coffee? When you entertain are you imagining a couple of friends or several families?’ Once you get an idea of how they live you can design to that.” The way he created separate spaces that flow into one another on this job means the homeowners can entertain a couple of friends in an intimate setting, or host a big party without anyone feeling cramped. 

When asked about his favorite type of projects, Jeff began ruminating about his philosophy on hardscaping. “I don’t know if I have a favorite kind of project because each one I do is unique. The exciting part of this job for me is getting to make something new every time. We could make something cookie-cutter and simple, but we think of ourselves as custom builders, and we want every client to have a completely one-of-a-kind patio.” That desire to make something new with every job is one reason Jeff loves Belgard so much, seeing all the products as an endless supply of building blocks to arrange in infinite configurations. “I love having a blank canvas to build on,” muses Jeff, “and each one is an opportunity to get creative. Like this project had a small footprint, but we still got to integrate all of these different elements to make something really cool that you won’t see anywhere else.” 

With a resume like Jeff’s, it would be easy for him to rest on his laurels, but that wouldn’t even cross the mind of someone as dedicated and passionate about the work as he is. We can’t wait to see just how high Jeff and the team at Scapes, Inc. can soar.

Want to be a Belgard Hardscape Hero? Submit your project here or talk to your sales rep. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see more beautiful photos from Hardscape Hero winners.

The Crew:

Fredy Aguilar
Cristian Aguilar
Isaias Aguilar
Chepe Martinez

The following Belgard products were used in this project:

Dimensions 12 – Mt Mist
Dimensions 6×9 – Charcoal
Cast Stone Wall (Free Standing & Retaining) – Adirondack
Mirage Noon – Honey
Tru-Scapes Lighting
Techniseal Smart Sand